© 2023-CONXTRUCTORS. is registered in England and Wales with number 14688410. The Company’s registered address is 99 Honey Close, Dagenham, Essex, RM10 8TF | Developed by Nexton Soft
A loft is an extremely useful space in any home; whether it is used for storage or expanding your house, it’s a great way of extending the space within the confines of your property,
A kitchen is often the focal point of a home and a room that is used every single day for some people, especially in ever- growing families. Therefore, we want to make sure that a kitchen adds enjoyment .
If you are looking for a very cost-effective way to expand your home without disruption to your busy schedule, sometimes a garden/summer house can be a solution.
Extending your home can be a daunting task, especially with the financial commitment. However, here at Constructors Design and Build we will work meticulously to deliver an extension that works.
If you are not sure of what you want to do with your home, we offer a service which takes your ideas and puts them down on paper. We have a number of architects
Whether it is work of an internal or external nature, we cover the refurbishment of private, public and commercial spaces, working closely together with our clients to produce something that turns.
Creating a new home from a dilapidated old building or on empty land takes a great deal of imagination, time, perseverance and foresight as well as a highly flexible approach to budgeting
Space in Greater London is at a premium and sometimes the only option for clients is to build a new property that suits their needs, which is something an existing house may not provide
Here at Constructors Deisgn and Build we feel the atmosphere and environment that you live in day-to-day should not only be practical, but also comfortable. We offer interior design advice
Constructors Design and Build always want to provide a quality service, so we strive to employ some of the best consultants to help with advice on what you can achieve and how much it will cost you
Project Management is an example of a project service. In general, this service is required where some project characteristics will not be realised without leadership and focus.
We provide this service, as many garages are now used as a room within the house as oppose to a place to store your car. Garages are rarely big enough these days to accommodate .
Constructors Design & Build are currently working with a supplier who can fit new garage doors, front doors and bifold/sliding garden doors, as well as converting a single garage into a double.